The promise of redemption

Usually, we anticipate the Christmas season saying that “Christmas is around the corner.”

Well, now we can farewell the Christmas season saying that “Christmas is just about to turn right and disappear around the next corner.”

Yet, the story of the Jesus’ birth will stay with us for longer…forever?

An important part of Luke’s story is Jesus’ presentation at the Temple.

At the Temple Joseph and Mary were greeted by Simeon, who was ”…waiting for the consolation of Israel…” (Luke 2:25). 

“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation…” (Luke 2:29, 30).

At the Temple still, there was Anna. “Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem” (Luke 2:38).


“Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Council, who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God, went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body” (Mark 15:42).

“…but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place” (Luke 24:21).

These verses point to the fact that there was “something” that kept people waiting. We don’t know how many…but there were people waiting.

What was it that kept them waiting? The promise of redemption.

The prophets of previous times were looking into the future, getting glimpses of what was to come. “The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins…” declares the LORD” (Isaiah 59:20).

But there was more than that to God’s promise of redemption, because the promise was made even before the covenant with Abraham.

The “seed of the woman” will crush the head of the serpent! This is the “original” promise of redemption! Emanuel! God with us!