The last wedding banquet

“Then the angel said to me, “Write: `Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!’ ” And he added, “These are the true words of God” (Revelation 19:9).

The wedding banquet (or supper) of the Lamb will signal the end of weddings and wedding banquets. There will be no more weddings, nor wedding banquets. You may ask, “Who says so?”

Jesus said, “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven” (Matthew 22:30).

The Lamb’s (wedding) banquet has been planned well before anything existed (no surprises here) but it was revealed to Isaiah.

He was given the vision of a great feast to be held at the end of times in which “the Lord of hosts” spreads the banquet and serves the food of kings. It will be held on the holy mountain of the Lord and the guests will include peoples from all the nations. Death will be no more, tears will be wiped away, and it will be a glorious day. Isaiah’s vision included the promise, “… The Sovereign LORD will…remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth. The LORD has spoken” (Isaiah 25:8).

Our Lord alluded to the great banquet/meal, occasionally during His ministry on earth. He mentioned a time of celebration, when the “fruit of the vine” will be served “anew” in the fully established kingdom of God (Matthew 26:26).

The Messianic banquet (Revelation 19:6–9) is presented as a great event – a time of great rejoicing “The wedding of the Lamb has come!…Let us rejoice and be glad…” (vv.5, 6). The bride, (the Church), beautifully arrayed and happy will be united with her Bridegroom – Jesus, accompanied by the acclamations of great multitudes: giving glory to God (v.7).

The banquet (and the eternity thereafter) will be a blessing for all those invited (v.9). Who are these people, the “invited” ones, mentioned there?

Well, those who are present there at “the wedding supper of the Lamb”.

Those who accepted the Lamb’s invitation – the Good News.