Jesus is Lord

“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation” (Colossians 1:15). As such, the Son reveals the eternal Father.

The invisible cannot be seen. God is spirit – a being not constrained by matter, space and time: God cannot be seen.

“No one has ever seen God…” (John 1:18).

Jesus, the Son, comes to us revealing God, the Father. Jesus reveals God to us not only as an image (icon as it were), but as a living being, in Him (Jesus) dwelling the fullness of God (Colossians 1:19).

Whatever we need to know about God we learn from Jesus. Whoever wants to know God. Jesus is the person to meet.

Basically, all knowledge of God is good, but the revelation that Jesus brings to us is eternally good.

Jesus reveals to us that through Him God is at work in the world to reconcile all things unto Himself. In other words, God is at work making peace through His (Jesus’) blood shed on the cross (Colossians 1:20).

Therefore, knowing God through Jesus, puts us on the path of eternal joy, with heaven as the destination. It is not surprising then, that the Scriptures affirm that Jesus is the head of the church, even more: He has supremacy in everything (Colossians 1:18).

There are Christian movements that rely on Popes and Kings (at times) to give direction (even in formulating creeds). Others appeal to traditions, making them binding at all times.

For us, Jesus is the ultimate authority. And here is the rub. Jesus’ authority while based on His divine origin; reaffirmed by God’s pronouncement (Matthew 3:17) was further consolidated by His resurrection and ascension. Now, this is an example to follow for any existing and wannabe leaders.

The times are a changing… We have to stand firm and uphold Jesus’ ultimate authority in all matters. Jesus is Lord!